Easing out of lockdown – looking after our wellbeing!

It’s fair to say the last 10 weeks during lockdown have been challenging for most. Let’s face it, we’re used to our freedom and definitely not used to being told to stay in our homes and only venture out once a day for exercise! On top of that, the endless amounts of negative press and focus on this horrendous virus have left many on an emotional rollercoaster!

As we start to slowly ease out of lockdown, following the Scottish Governments 4 phase plan, no doubt new challenges and worries will arise. Just as we were getting used to this “new normal” , the next adjustment phase could also take some getting used to!

Having been void of social interaction, other than a zoom call or two, one of the first things we’ll be keen to do is meet with family and friends … from a distance of course! The next thing might be to get back to our beloved sports / hobbies such as rowing!

As we wait for guidance from Scottish Rowing as to restarting, the Tay Rowing Club Committee are now in planning for getting members back on the water, safely! Risk Assessments, cleaning and distancing rules and session plans are all being considered. We want to make the transition back into the club environment an easy one with the wellbeing of our members in mind.

If you’re feeling anxious about things starting to get relaxed and what risks that might pose, here’s some tips to help you prepare;

Plan to do the things you love –

We have been living in a time like no other, so, naturally, it may take time to get back into the swing of things once lockdown is over.

A simple way to help relieve heightened levels of anxiety is to plan ahead; make a list of the things you want to do again (hopefully rowing is high up there!), friends you want to visit and places you want to go.

Re-establish some former routines –

When things begin to return to ‘normal’, re-establishing familiar former routines can be helpful, but it might also be a good opportunity to reflect on whether you can continue some of the things you’ve been doing differently.

Review your priorities in life –

When it comes to our personal lives, many of us are finding the current pace of life easier to deal with, as we’re less pressured to attend social gatherings, for example. It’s worth reflecting on whether we want things to return to how they were before, or if there’s an opportunity to review our priorities and really think about what makes us happy. Perhaps you’ve got a new fitness regime that you want to continue with, or a new found love for baking! (cakes are always welcome at TRC) 😉

As lockdown restrictions gradually begin to lift, remember that it will take a while for life to get back to ‘normal’ — and it’s OK if you take longer to adjust than others. It’s important that you do things in a timeframe that works for you. Just know that you have the support of others and your wellbeing is the utmost priority!

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