Missed out on our Learn to Row course?

Our first learn to row course of 2020 was fully booked in just 3 days of releasing the date. If you missed out and would love to learn, we plan to run another course around May / June. πŸš£β€β™€οΈ

πŸ‘‰To get the best chance of securing a space join our waiting list where you will get advance notice of the dates and details giving you a head start on booking. Just email comms@tayrowingclub.com now! πŸ™

Want to learn to row with Tay Rowing Club – Perth?

A space has come available on our next Learn to row course starting on Saturday, 28th March.

The course will comprise of 2 boats, each with 4 crew, completing 10 coached sessions over 8 weeks (both the 1st and last sessions will be double sessions).

The last space is for a Saturday morning session, starting at 8.30am (be there for 8am) and typically lasting 1.5 – 2 hrs.

No previous rowing experience is required, however participants should be able to swim at least 50 meters, have a base level of fitness and be capable of helping lift / carry the boats.

The course had fully booked up in 3 days, so if this last remaining space is of interest, please get in touch asap to secure your place.

For further details or to book now, contact comms@tayrowingclub.com.

Cost: Β£100 for the 10 sessions payable by bank transfer to secure the space.

National Lottery Community Fund

Funding success for new schools pilot!

Tay Rowing Club are very excited to announce that we have secured funding from the National Lottery Community Fund for the purchase of rowing machines in order to set up and run an indoor rowing schools pilot.

Rowing is a new sport in Perth and Kinross and the establishment of an indoor rowing programme linked to Tay Rowing Club will offer opportunities to young people to benefit from a sport they have never done before. Rowing is well known for developing individual self esteem and teamwork amongst those who participate. The provision of a new sport within the school communities will provide opportunities for young people to participate in something completely different that will assist in developing their own potential, make them feel good and develop team building skills that will set them up to maximise the opportunities that will come their way be it through participation, competing, coaching, volunteering and officiating

National Lottery Community Fund

Autumn / Winter Rowing sessions – members update!

Members please note that for the remaining duration of the Autumn/Winter months, rowing sessions on Saturdays and Sundays will start at 10am instead of 9am.

IMPORTANT – The time change starts from this Saturday – 16 November.

Please remember that if you are rowing then you should be at the club for 10am so that we are on the water no later than 10.30am. Please try and be punctual, but obviously take care on the roads in wintry conditions.

Also quick reminder to everyone to come equipped for cold weather rowing. Make sure you have plenty of layers, hat and gloves, suitable footwear and cosy clothes to change in to after your row.

Thanks and here’s to a great winter season πŸ˜Š πŸŒ¨β„️

Learn to Row – 5 Day Intensive

Do you want to learn to row? Could you commit 5 days in July 2019 (dates to be confirmed)? Tay Rowing Club are checking interest levels for running a 5 day intensive course this summer. If you’re keen and would like to find out more, please complete our contact form and select ‘Learn to Row – 5 day intensive’ from the level of interest list.

Row the length of the Tay Fundraiser

Just a couple of days to go now until we attempt to row the length of the River Tay, all 188km, on our rowing machines. We will be rowing from 12pm – 6pm (Saturday 11th May 2019) at the Perth Beer Festival which is being run by Perth Rugby Club on the North Inch.

Why are we doing it, you may ask?! We are fundraising for safety equipment and so that we can develop the club and take on junior members. We’d be really grateful for any help!

As well as our rowing effort you can also enter our quiz, testing your knowledge of the Tay! One lucky winner will win a bottle of Tayport Distillery‘s fantastic ‘eau de vie’ Blackcurrant liquor.

We hope to see you there!

Tay Rowing Club Challenge – 11th May 2019

Perth Beer Festival – Tay Rowing Club Rowing the length of the Tay!

Saturday 11th May.  Join us at North Inch Park, Perth in conjunction with Perth Rugby Club’s amazing Beer & Gin Festival, Tay Rowing Club members will be taking on a challenge to raise funds for the club.

The challenge; to row (on rowing machines) the length of the River Tay, some 188km over a period of 7 hours whilst not drinking too much beer..! πŸ™‚

Thanks to Perth Rugby Club for allowing us to be part of their awesome event.

Beautiful start to 2019 evening rowing!

This year will see Tay Rowing Club having 2 club evenings each week; Tuesday and Thursday in addition to weekend morning rowing on both Saturday and Sunday giving everyone more opportunity to get out on the water!

Our first evening for this year was Tuesday 2nd April and was also the training night for the first of our new Learn to Row crews.

Conditions were perfect! Let’s hope the rest of the year continues in this way.

If you’ve rowed in the past (even if it’s quite a while ago), can get to Perth and are interested in getting back on the water, we’d love to hear from you. Drop us a message and we can try and co-ordinate a suitable time to get you along … click to contact us!

New Learn to Row crews – Spring 2019

Saturday 30th March was the first day at Tay Rowing Club HQ for our 2 new Learn to Row crews. The 8 were put through their paces over the course of the day by coaches Hazel & Tim, ably supported by some of the regular members.

After initial introductions, the day started with a demonstration and session on the ergo and an intro to the rowing boat.

Members pulled out the stops by putting on a superb BBQ as well as bringing some awesome baking for everyone to enjoy which also provided good opportunity for everyone to have a chat and get to know each other better.

After lunch the 2 crews had a core & stretch session before getting the opportunity to get on the water for their very first taste of rowing on the Tay. From the smiles on everyone’s faces as they came back to base, I’d say it was an enjoyable day all round! πŸ™‚

If you’re interested in following in the footsteps of our 8 new Learn to Row crew and want to find out about our next course dates, drop us a message and we’ll be happy to provide further details … click here to contact us!

North of England Head – Royal Chester Rowing Club

Members of Tay Rowing Club headed down to Chester at the weekend to compete in the North of England Head, 23rd March 2019.

The last of the Head races for the winter, three TRC crews took part over the course of the day. Everyone was made very welcome by the hosts from REX rowing club and the location was simply stunning! What a great place to end our first major series of winter Head races.

Members of REX invited us along to a social evening with superb food and a social row the following morning.

We hope to be able to make them as welcome on TRC turf!