Fundraising Ergathon – Goal Achieved

At the end of June, our members participated in a long-distance ergathon to raise funds for the club. The event was a huge success, and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank friends, family, and the general public for their support. We also want to express our gratitude to every member who makes Tay RC the fantastic and welcoming club it is. 🚣‍♂️🙌

A few words from our Club Captain, Lucy;

What a day! Everyone really showed up to make the ergathon a massive success whether it was through putting miles into the ergs, collecting donations on the day, helping set up and set down, encouraging family and friends to donate online and generally being amazingly supportive of the whole event. We raised our full target amount and are now in the process of researching a suitable facility for extra storage and indoor training. The club is really fortunate to have 8 ergs and a small selection of other indoor equipment to complement our water training and continue to meet up in bad weather. It deserves a space of its own so that we can reclaim our welfare unit and disabled toilet. The money raised will therefore be invaluable for the continuing development of our members. It will also allow us to continue to grow and improve our annual Learn to Row course and Junior camp. Our Just Giving page is still open and will remain so for a few more weeks. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, it means a lot and really will make a difference to the coaches and members of our club.

A few words from our Fundraising Officer, Thomas;

I’m so happy the Ergathon was such a success. The club came together brilliantly and really made sure the Ergathon was an effective fundraiser. It was brilliant to see the number of people who signed up across the club to do a stint, and I think our recent Learn To Row graduates impressed everyone with their effort and willingness to take part! Thanks to the efforts of everyone involved, we raised over £3000 for the club!
The day itself was perfect, the weather held, and it wasn’t too hot or too chilly! We had a brilliant location and were really very lucky to have had people finishing the park run and going on walks throughout the day as this really increased potential donations, and got more word out about our club!
I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who signed up to row, anyone who came along and supported, and everyone that helped organise and carry out the Ergathon to make it such a successful and fun day!

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